Bay Area Marketing & Advertising Blog 

Data Analytics: How Bonneville Bay Area Uses Data When Designing Digital Marketing Campaigns

Data drives business. However, simply having access to information doesn't give you actionable insight. There is a wealth of marketing data available, but the difference between a successful campaign and one that never takes flight is in data analytics. Bonneville Bay Area leverages the power of data analytics to design digital marketing campaigns for its clients. Let's look into why gathering the right data, having the expertise to understand what it reveals, and understanding how to leverage those insights for digital marketing campaigns are key differentiators for success.

10 Questions to Ask Your Digital Provider

Digital marketing is a necessity today for successful marketing campaigns and business growth. Still, you need to do it right if you want to make the most of this potentially invaluable asset. It's important to find a digital marketing partner that can meet your specific needs. Here are ten questions to ask your digital ad provider to get the best results from your marketing efforts.

How to Leverage Micro-Moments in Your Marketing

In today's fast-paced digital world, consumers are constantly on the go and have come to expect instant gratification when it comes to their wants and needs. This is where micro-moments come into play. For marketers, micro-moments represent a huge opportunity to connect with consumers and influence their decisions.

Reach vs. Impressions: What's the Difference and Why are they Important?

'Reach' and 'impressions' have become marketing buzzwords that cause confusion among some marketers. The problem is that not everyone completely understands what they are, much less how to optimize them. Nonetheless, they both play an essential role in brand awareness, brand engagement, and measuring your campaigns’ success, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with their nuances.

Weekly Roundup: What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing?

This week's weekly roundup highlights the future of digital marketing with a focus on personalization, automation, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies will allow companies to reach their target audience more effectively and drive business growth. Click on the links to learn more!

Weekly Roundup: Our Top Blog Posts Of 2022

In this week's weekly roundup we will "roundup" the year with some of our most popular blog posts. If you have ever questioned what the most effective way to identify your customer needs is, or what's the difference between reach and impressions... read below.

Weekly Roundup: How AI is Transforming Digital Marketing

As consumer preferences evolve due to social influences, digital marketers are using AI to reach, retain and engage customers in a more personalized manner. This week's weekly roundup examines how AI has significantly impacted digital marketing, enabling businesses and marketers to manage and analyze large amounts of consumer data without human intervention.

7 Tactics to Enhance Your Digital Marketing Campaign

With the right tactics, streamlining your digital marketing efforts can bring success to your brand. This is because it's cost-effective to create and maintain, offers access to a wider range of your target audience, and allows you to connect with them on a deep level anytime and anywhere. Plus, your results can always be tracked and measured for more informed decision-making in the future.

OTT and CTV Explained

Technology has changed how we view programming previously available only over broadcast networks and cable. It has allowed us to sever ties with cable companies and instead pick and choose our content providers. Today, viewers can use their computers, phones, and televisions to watch a wide variety of movies, shows, and video content via OTT and CTV.

Degree or Certification? How to Market to GenZ

GenZ is rethinking what its path to success should be. For generations, young adults were told that a traditional college education was the key to acquiring a good job, ensuring career progression, and achieving financial stability. The reality belies the sentiment. GenZers have repeatedly heard millennials lament that upon graduation, there were not only the promised jobs, but they were facing crushing debt from the exorbitant tuition.

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    Weekly Roundup: The Effects of Inflation on Marketing

    Dive into the latest trends shaping economic policies and consumer behavior amidst rising inflation. From the shifting priorities of Generation Z to the impact of social media on spending habits, businesses, and policymakers are navigating a dynamic landscape to meet the evolving needs of consumers. Join us as we uncover the key statistics and insights reshaping the economic environment and explore how brands can adapt to stay ahead in this rapidly changing climate. Keep reading to stay informed on the latest marketing trends and insights.

    Weekly Roundup: Your Guide to Vocational Trade School Marketing

    This week, we're spotlighting the vibrant realm of vocational school marketing. As industries seek specialized skills, vocational education emerges as a cornerstone for career advancement. Whether you specialize in IT, healthcare, construction, or other fields, effectively marketing your vocational school is paramount. Join us as we uncover pivotal strategies and insights to elevate your vocational school's visibility and engage prospective students in this week's roundup.