Bay Area Marketing & Advertising Blog 

Managing High Consumer Demand After Your Business Reopens

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a major lull in the marketplace. However, as restrictions lift, pent-up demand is permeating throughout most industry sectors. While this is undeniably a positive development, it comes with certain challenges that businesses must successfully meet to regain momentum and consumer trust.

How Businesses Can Pivot In The Age of COVID-19

Right now, businesses must use more creative strategies than ever. Many companies are pivoting their business model in light of the current situation.

Bonneville Bay Area Food Bank Radiothon

Bonneville Bay Area teamed up with six Bay Area food banks in early May to raise funds and solicit volunteers during a time of extraordinary need. Bay Area food banks have seen a substantial increase in the number of families seeking essential food supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Widespread layoffs throughout the Bay Area have increased the need for food in our communities. The recent layoffs have been concentrated among lower-income households, who often live paycheck to paycheck.

Strategies for Businesses Return to Market: Messaging Tactics

We’re all eager to get back to a more normal way of life. Businesses are eager to reopen and connect with customers. Customers are ready to get out and do some business of their own. No one is entirely sure what this will look like or when it will happen. But it’s time - now - to prepare your business to return to market. There's no single “right way” to do this. How you reopen will depend on variables such as new safety guidelines, new product and service offerings, and the degree of pent-up demand among your customer base. Create a solid strategy that reflects the particular needs of your business and your consumers. When it’s time to return to market, your plan will help ease the transition as you welcome back your customers.

How to Stay Top-of-Mind Right Now

Most businesses have never experienced anything like the current pandemic, especially the shutdowns and economic distress that go along with it. Marketing and innovating can feel scary at a time like this. Some people’s instinct is to lay low and hope the trouble blows over. But staying top-of-mind during this time is actually more critical than ever.

How to Stay Connected With Your Current and Potential Customers

While the COVID-19 pandemic is causing a global impact across many industries, it's more important than ever you remain connected to your current and potential customers--whether your business is open or not. Your customers like to know they are not alone and by offering support your business can help them navigate these uncertain times. By utilizing various marketing tools, you can remain close to your customers and sustain your business momentum both now and when the crisis ends. In this article, we will highlight a variety of tactics your business can take advantage of to effectively stay connected to your current and potential customers.

How Local Businesses Can Effectively Adjust Their Messaging to be More Community Focused

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, local businesses are trying to keep up with current regulations to meet the needs of their consumers. Some businesses have been forced to dramatically change their business practices. Your community members are facing unprecedented challenges--and you want to show that your business is there for them. As a local business, there are several strategies you can utilize to tailor your messaging for the community.

The Power of Branding In a Time of Crisis

Across the United States and around the world, many businesses are struggling to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. However, if there is one thing we’ve learned from past economic downturns like the 2008 recession, it’s that one of the wisest things a business can do during these times is continue to focus on their brand loyalty and marketing efforts.

Creative Strategies for Altering Your Message During a Crisis

During the current COVID-19 crisis, businesses are looking to connect in meaningful ways with current and prospective consumers. You may need to alter your messaging, or the services you promote, in order to reach your goals and provide benefit to your customers during this unique time. We’re seeing this across the country and across industries, including small and large businesses alike. A small, local pottery studio takes orders online and delivers its products directly to people's doors. A Bay Area real estate company now offers virtual house tours and online consulting in ways they never did before.

10 Reasons Radio is More Relevant Than Ever

As advertising trends have evolved over time, radio has remained one of the most effective ways to reach both new and existing customers. Radio continues to be a leading advertising medium for many reasons. With a wide reach and immediate delivery, radio allows businesses to get their message in front of targeted, yet large audiences. Not only has radio proven itself to be a powerful tool for advertising, it’s also a great way to reach existing customers with important information and updates during the pandemic. With 83.3% of the Bay Area listening to the radio each week, it’s as much, or more, during the current COVID-19 crisis (according to a recent report from Neilson). Radio is an important platform to keep current and potential customers up-to-date on how they can access your products and services during this important time.

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