Bay Area Marketing & Advertising Blog 

Weekly Roundup: Reaching GenZ with Radio

It may surprise you that GenZ listens to AM/FM radio given their prevalent use of smartphones and streaming apps. However, reaching young people on the radio might be easier than you think. Not only are they listening to AM/FM radio, they’re planning to increase consumer spending to the tune of $44 billion in purchasing power. Read on to find out how you can use radio as a marketing tactic to reach GenZ.

Stats that Show Radio is as Relevant as Ever

Contrary to what some media pundits may think, radio as a medium continues to thrive. In fact, people are consuming more terrestrial and digital radio than ever before. This rising consumption enriches the marketing opportunity that radio provides companies, as radio remains one of the most cost-effective ways to generate reach and frequency.

4 Tactics for Utilizing Radio Effectively

Awareness is not typically a problem for big national brands. They’ve had time to figure out how to use radio effectively to make their brands a household name. If your business is just starting out, you need a branding campaign that creates awareness over time, letting potential customers know who you are, what you do, where they can find you, what your value proposition is, and what sets your business apart from the competition.

Unleash the Power of Radio Advertising Through Integrated Campaigns

The answer to increasing the impact and results of your advertising can be found when you integrate your marketing. Combining traditional and new media helps businesses reach their potential consumers by leveraging the different ways they consume media. In a recent study, 82% of participating agencies use paid social media, 77% use radio, and 74% use search engine marketing. Investing in ads across multiple platforms delivers greater ROI than any single platform. Not only that, but the results don't change materially by age group.

Everything You Need to Know About Local Influencer Marketing

The power of local influencer marketing is evidenced in a recent RAB case study. A major tech company that leveraged the on-air and social media power of local radio personalities realized a 66% lift in earned media and a 30% lift in store traffic compared to non-endorsement markets. The opportunity isn't limited to large corporations. Small businesses can also tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing for brand awareness by collaborating with local radio influencers.

5 Ways to Get ROI from Your Radio Marketing Campaigns This Year

With the introduction and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re all faced with new challenges as we explore new ways to succeed with our businesses. Among these changes are an increased dependence on radio and digital media, which will continue well into 2021. As a business, you'll do well to pivot your marketing and capitalize on these changes. Consider looking at it from the perspective of the legendary hockey great Wayne Gretzky: anticipate where the puck is headed, not where it is or was.

6 Ways Radio Ads Boost Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Successful business owners know that radio and digital marketing are powerful tools individually. However, when they are combined, they make the greatest impact on a marketing campaign, driving significant advertising results. Integrating radio and digital enables marketers to create powerful campaigns that produce an impressive ROI. Let's look at some benefits that illustrate why you should combine radio and digital marketing.

5 Capabilities a Good Vendor Must Have

The quality of your ad campaign depends on your choice of vendor. With many options available on the market, it can be tough to decide which company will best contribute to your success.

Top 5 KPI's You Should Be Tracking

One of the main goals for any marketer is to generate a positive return on investment (ROI) for their marketing efforts. While there are plenty of key performance indicators (KPI) to help determine the overall ROI, some are more important than others. You must figure out which KPIs are ideal to help calculate ROI, or you will waste time looking at vanity metrics that don't matter.

So Your Last Radio Ad Didn't Work? Here's Where You May Have Gone Wrong & How to Fix It

You've spent a significant amount of time and resources on this particular radio ad. Finally, the big day comes! It goes on-air, and you wait for the results... and wait... and wait and wait.

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