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Everything You Need to Know About Local Influencer Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Local Influencer MarketingThe power of local influencer marketing is evidenced in a recent RAB case study. A major tech company that leveraged the on-air and social media power of local radio personalities realized a 66% lift in earned media and a 30% lift in store traffic compared to non-endorsement markets. The opportunity isn't limited to large corporations. Small businesses can also tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing for brand awareness by collaborating with local radio influencers.Influencer marketing is a growing trend but not a new one. Radio DJs have influenced consumers for decades, long before the advent of social media. Their audiences are drawn to them for their authentic style, and they place a high level of trust in their recommendations. Keep reading to learn even more about why working with local radio influencer marketing is a smart strategy. 

What Is Local Influencer Marketing?

Local influencer marketing leverages individuals with tremendous sway over potential customers in their local market to increase brand awareness and conversions. Radio hosts are ideal influencers, as they have tremendous reach with their loyal listening audiences in addition to their social media followers. Many believe that influencer marketing attracts higher-quality customers or people more likely to purchase products or services. In 2018, Google found that influencer marketing was considered effective by 92% of people.

What Can Local Influencers Do for Your Business?

If you've ever asked, “Does influencer marketing work?”, the answer is a resounding yes! A campaign featuring local radio influencers is a cost-effective way to reach your target audience. Since they already have an impressive reach with their loyal audience, you instantly gain access to more people interested in your goods or services. Influencers can increase the ROI for your marketing spend in the following ways:

  • They increase local brand awareness.
  • They use branded content to drive engagement.
  • They attract new customers to your local business.
  • They help build your brand image to influence local buyers. 

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Why Should You Do Local Influencer Marketing?

One of the reasons you should invest in local influencer marketing is that the audience relates to their favorite radio hosts. Since the listeners trust the influencer's recommendations, it makes your brand seem more authentic when they endorse your products. A recent survey found that 83% of listeners trust the opinion of their favorite radio personality, and 77% would try a product recommended by them. That makes it an excellent way to expand your local customer base. 

Influencer marketing is also a cost-effective way to generate more engagement by leveraging their social media following. It allows you to use the influencer posts as part of your content strategy by linking them in your feed. Another benefit of using a local influencer is that they deliver the message in their own words, making it sound fresh and authentic. Keeping the message in the influencer's own voice sounds more like a personal recommendation that inspires action than a sales pitch that could fall flat with listeners.  

How Can You Find Local Influencers?

While we've already established that utilizing local influencers has many benefits, finding the right one is important for getting the most out of your investment. Make sure that you choose an influencer on a station that reaches your target audience. It allows you to focus on the consumers most likely to respond to your message. For instance, if you want to attract the 18-34 age group, you might consider an influencer on a Top 40 station.

By working with an experienced local media partner, you get access to the local radio influencers that are the right fit for your goals. As you talk to potential partners, ask if they can provide examples of past successful campaigns. Research their social media pages to get an idea of their style and types of campaigns. Finally, meet with your media partner to identify an influencer that can connect with your target audience.

Local Influencer Marketing Works

Using local influencers in your campaigns is a smart move to increase your marketing ROI. It can raise your brand awareness, drive sales, attract new customers, and build your brand image in your local market. Radio influencers connect with their listeners in a very personal way, inspiring trust and authentically endorsing your brand. A bonus is that you not only reach their listeners but their entire social media following, as well.

Many businesses use influencer marketing. Seventeen percent of companies spend more than half their marketing budget on influencers, and almost 90% say ROI from influencer marketing is similar or better than that from other marketing channels. Influencer marketing is an extremely effective way to increase the results of your campaign. Now that you have learned everything you need to know about local influencer marketing check out some of the local Bay Area influencers ready to help you reach new customers.

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Steve DiNardo
Steve DiNardo
With over two decades of experience in Bay Area marketing & media, Steve DiNardo has helped hundreds of local clients solve their marketing problems. His experience in multi-platform marketing includes the creation of iconic experiential, digital and traditional media properties.

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