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Weekly Roundup: Marketing in the Metaverse

Untitled design - 2023-09-15T144312.212In the 21st century, the concept of the metaverse has emerged as a transformative force in the realm of digital marketing. This virtual universe, where individuals can interact, create, and explore in ways previously unimaginable, represents a significant leap forward in the evolution of marketing strategies. Read this week's roundup to learn more. 

How the Metaverse Will Transform the Way We Approach Marketing -Entrepreneur

Although the metaverse will be a significant innovation in this century, its development is not an isolated event. The development of the metaverse is just one part of a much bigger transformation of digital technology. It's difficult to imagine a metaverse built on top of our existing infrastructure. For this reason, many companies are shifting their focus to the creation and adoption of a third iteration of the internet (named Web3 or Web 3.0).  >> READ MORE  

Why The Metaverse is Marketing's Next Big Thing – Forbes

One of the biggest new platforms for marketing became very clear during the pandemic: metaverse marketing. For those not familiar with the actual term, metaverse is defined as an immersive, digital environment populated by virtual avatars representing actual people. Still not clear what it means? Think of the hit video game Fortnight, a virtual reality game where avatars play the game in real-time, fighting against each other and attending events that are held in that particular metaverse. Every person playing in real life has their own avatar, and plays in the game with their own, personalized digital representation. >> READ MORE 

The Ultimate 2023 Guide to Marketing in Metaverse: Best Practices, Examples  – Emeritus

According to McKinsey, the metaverse has the potential to impact commercial and personal lives significantly. Investment into the metaverse crossed $120 billion in 2022 and is expected to generate $5 trillion by 2030. 

Games such as Fortnite, Minecraft, Illuvium, and Axie Infinity are already incorporating elements of the metaverse and providing an immersive experience to individuals. Similarly, brands like Nike, Samsung, and Coca-Cola are already utilizing the metaverse to reach out to their consumers. It is not a stretch to say that digital marketing is dominating traditional marketing; with the addition of the metaverse, digital marketing is expected to evolve to a new level, making the latter obsolete. >> READ MORE 


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Sarah Burkhart
Sarah Burkhart
Sarah is the Sales Marketing Specialist at Bonneville Bay Area. She is deeply passionate about crafting campaigns that resonate with clients and drive results, always striving to stay ahead of the curve.

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