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How Testimonials and Endorsements Can Boost Sales


Testimonials and endorsements are invaluable assets for any business. Even if people don't know the person behind the testimonial, they are far more likely to trust genuine, positive testimonials. However, the power of testimonials from strangers is nothing compared to endorsements from people your audience recognizes and trusts, including their favorite voices and personalities that speak to them every day over the radio.

Radio personalities can come across like good friends, and listeners are likely to trust any recommendations they give. If used correctly, endorsements from radio personalities may be able to increase both credibility and sales dramatically. However, if you want to use endorsements and testimonials correctly, it’s important to see how they work.

Why Testimonials Work

Testimonials from strangers or even paid actors can be effective to a degree. According to a Big Commerce report, 72 percent of consumers said that reviews and testimonials increase their trust in a company. Eighty-eight percent stated that they trust online reviews and testimonials as much as recommendations from people they know. That same report also found that 92 percent of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase, which illustrates the need to include them on webpages.

If you're wondering why people might be willing to trust the testimonials of people they don't know, the concept of "social proof" can help. Coined by Robert Cialdini, the term "social proof" refers to a social and psychological phenomenon involving the tendency for people to copy others' actions, based on the assumption that others are more knowledgeable about a given situation. This concept applies to testimonials; people are more likely to purchase a product or service if others who have experience with the item also support it.

Where Testimonials Work

You can use testimonials, both online and offline, to improve your reputation and encourage people to consider your offerings.

Testimonials on Your Website

You can put testimonials on the homepage of your website, or you can create a dedicated testimonials page. You can also place them on other pages near a "buy now" button or use a call-to-action that further reinforces the customer's decision to click through. Don't be afraid to place testimonials on product or service pages, as an Impact report found that testimonials on sales pages increased conversions by around 34 percent.

Testimonials Beyond Your Website

You can also get testimonials from other sources outside your website. For example, you can have a radio influencer give a product review on the air, which can reach a large number of listeners.

You can also have testimonials quoted on social media, which will expand influence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms.

Why Endorsements Work

While testimonials tend to come from customers who may be unknown, endorsements come from people your prospects already know and respect. The concept of social proof suggests that your audience will be far more likely to buy from you if someone they know on a more personal level vouches for you. 

Keep in mind that seeking endorsements from radio personalities isn't limited to the radio. You can also have them provide a video endorsement for use on your website. In both cases, you'll appeal to the influencer's fans, and prospects will associate your products or services with the personality they respect.

Another aspect that separates a radio influencer's endorsement from a stranger’s testimonial is that their reputation is on the line if the product or service doesn't live up to their audience's standards. This is also why endorsements are far more powerful than testimonials from people the prospect doesn't know.

Radio Influencer Endorsements Attract More Customers

Radio influencer testimonials can connect your business with many listeners locally or across the country, and you can use them outside of radio. In addition to on-air endorsements and reviews, you can use them on your social media profiles, where followers can share and respond to them. You can also include them on your website, whether on the home page, a dedicated endorsements and testimonials page, or on sales pages to supplement the rest of your content.

With the help of endorsements from people who've earned the trust of a wide audience and testimonials from customers, you can make your business more trustworthy among these prospects. That trust translates directly to increased sales.

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Jennifer Ravenscroft
Jennifer Ravenscroft
Jennifer Ravenscroft is a digital advertising sales leader with over 20 years in the SF Bay Area market. She has helped hundreds of clients better understand digital advertising customer journey to find the right marketing mix to solve their business challenges.

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