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How Happy Employees Can Help Market Your Business and Bring in Better Talent


Ninety percent of US employees are currently considering job changes. And happiness, not money, talks. 

Many employees prioritize company culture over salary, saying they want to feel important, empowered, valued, and happy doing their jobs. And amidst record-high unemployment and employee quit rates, the businesses quickest to comply hold the stakes in retaining top industry talent.

Talented and engaged employees are eight times more productive and earn their respective companies 21% more annually than the average employee. Moreover, when such exemplary employees are offered internal opportunities for growth, they are 93% more likely to stay at their jobs. Fulfilled employees deliver a win-win for recruitment marketing strategies, too. They are more likely to talk about their jobs, effectively drawing in like-minded, qualified individuals with similar skillsets. 

What Is the Ripple Effect of Happy Employees?  

Happiness is contagious, and happy employees openly talk about job satisfaction, both inside and outside the workplace. Such good morale can spread through the workplace, influencing other employees to feel appreciation and gratitude. And just like in a beehive, this can result in a collective positive buzz that inspires high levels of creativity and productivity. Happy employees with great company culture experiences report happier, healthier home lives as well. 

They talk about the culture 

An additional benefit of the company culture buzz is that it can often spill out beyond the company doors. Happy employees are more likely than others to rave about their job and workplace, inadvertently spreading accolades about the company out into the community. And since 90% of the American workforce are actively searching for jobs with better happiness assets, this can inspire others to seek job opportunities with better-than-average company cultures. 

They become brand ambassadors

Happy employees, just like satisfied customers, are the best brand ambassadors. Who better to inspire others than a thriving employee who genuinely loves the company they work for? Likewise, there is no better testament to a brand's principles than people on the inside who know and emphatically stand behind it. 

They're active referrers 

Employees who love their jobs and are proud of where they work are likely to refer the company to those in need of their specific services. They also value personal recommendations, especially from a friend, neighbor, or family member. 

They become recruiters for the company

When employees have positive work experiences and are happy with the company, they become assets to recruitment marketing plans. It's natural to refer qualified, talented friends and former colleagues looking for a great job. 

They're raving fans

Happy employees who feel engaged, respected, and valued in their workplace are often the biggest fans of the products or services offered by their employer. After all, the principles behind a brand's operation are equally as important as the product or service being offered. 

Showcase Happy Employees in Your Recruitment Marketing Campaigns  

Feature a video about your company culture on your website 

Invite employees to be a part of a happy workplace video, telling in their own words what they love about your company culture. Then, display it prominently on your company website, where it is highly visible and easy to share. 

Create authentic testimonials for radio ads featuring top employees  

Ask your employees to participate in candid voice recordings, documenting a range of small wins and big achievements. Such recognition can give them a sense of pride, make them feel like valued members of the team, and can go a long way in appealing to potential employees. 

Highlight your current employees on social media  

Prioritize featuring individuals and teams of employees frequently on social media for a wide range of causes, achievements, and events. Even minor recognition for good attendance, birthdays, and anniversaries is beneficial in helping employees feel appreciated. Also, remember to make celebratory announcements about promotions, certificates earned, and significant achievements.  

Feature employees in digital ads  

When making digital ads, avoid hiring models and actors or exclusively featuring big wigs. Remember to include employees in the full range of command, from cleaning and security personnel to office representatives, veteran employees, and the faces of the CEO and owners. All employees need to be recognized as valued members of the company. 

Always be advertising  

Remember that advertising isn't a once in a while venture. It's important to stay at the forefront of your community, constantly reminding them about who your company is and what it does. Ads should be run frequently on various media outlets to reach the broadest audience possible. 

Top talent is more likely to apply for jobs with companies they recognize. The more recognizable your brand is via all mediums, the more likely it is that happy employees will inspire qualified applicants to respond to job postings promptly. 

Happy employees are the key to marketing your business and bringing in better talent. Creating a great company culture with an environment where employees feel seen and appreciated goes a long way. Working with an experienced marketing partner can take your recruitment efforts even further.  


Val Maki
Val Maki
As a highly experienced media executive, Val is passionate about growing business for advertisers. She has helped customers achieve their goals through strategic planning and effective solutions that are relevant to today’s marketplace. Her comprehensive knowledge of revenue-growth strategies has led to long-term customer partnerships.

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