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7 Radio Advertising Secrets You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

7 Radio Advertising Secrets Youll Wish You Knew Sooner Cropped

If you could sit down with radio industry veterans and ask them anything, what would you want to know? Considering that it might not be in person, we've done the legwork for you. We’ve gathered insights from radio advertising experts and compiled a list of trade secrets every marketing professional needs to know to create more successful radio campaigns. Here are the top seven radio secrets you'll wish you knew sooner. 

1. Focus on a True Integrated Radio Program

To experience the highest level of success from your radio advertising campaign, make sure you're integrating it with your marketing plans. It's not just about creating great radio ads, though those are certainly important. It should also include digital advertising, influencer marketing, and your other strategies in an integrated manner. 

"I think the number one trick in the business is to focus on developing a true integrated radio program. These programs include radio, digital, DJ endorsements, as well as DJ interactions during online events to parallel your promotions. The integrated ideas we generate are the secret sauce," notes Senior Account Executive John Freitas. 

Creating an integrated campaign goes a long way toward improving the success of your radio advertising efforts. You don't want your radio ads to stand alone. Instead, you want them to be part of that larger integrated campaign. 

"Radio is digital. Our radio station is not just an on-air broadcast; we’re online and active on social media. Our personalities are heavily engaged with your potential customers,” adds Brian Figula, Director of Programming. “Our job is to connect our listeners to your brand and help you sell your products."  

2. There's Magic in the Music

Creating an audio signature can go a long way in aiding recall and getting your potential customer’s attention. They'll soon recognize it and associate it with your brand, keeping you top of mind when listeners are in need of your product, or services. 

"Consider adopting an audio signature. This could be a jingle (think "We are Farmers") or an audio mnemonic (think of T-Mobile's audio stinger). Having a distinctive and consistent audio signature can help listeners recall your brand," notes Carl Gardner. 

3. One Size Does Not Fit All

You don't want to use the same ad for everything--nor do you want to stick with an ad long after it's cycled through its lifespan. "Change your copy frequently, at least every few weeks, but maintain the common themes or threads that help create your identity and brand," recommends Joe Cariffe, National Sales Manager. 

Creating various versions of your ads while maintaining the same theme keeps things fresh for listeners. Many people listen to the radio for entertainment purposes. Providing those variations on your ads can keep them more engaged. 

4. Short, Memorable CTAs (Call to Action) Work Best

A great CTA can substantially increase listeners' response rates. It’s commonplace to have effective CTAs for your emails, your content, and your social posts. But don't forget to create an effective CTA for your radio ads, too. 

"Include a strong offer and a call to action in your message,” says Carl Gardner. Provide a reason for the listener to act now, whether by calling, visiting a website, texting for more information, or another measurable response." 

Your CTA could be the difference between a listener deciding to take the action you've recommended or letting your ad disappear from memory.

5. Create a Better Targeted Ad Strategy

Twenty-five percent of listeners become more interested in a brand after hearing about it on the radio, especially if the ad applies to them. Radio and digital ads offer some of the most effective forms of targeted advertising. When you know what type of content your target audience engages with, you can target your radio ads for better results.

"Know that radio and digital are some of the most nimble and creative advertising media around,” says Francesca White, Senior Account Executive. “If something isn't working, work with your account executive to change the creative, or your offer. There’s no doubt that radio and digital work, but sometimes it takes time for new advertisers to figure out what messaging will drive the best result."

6. Frequency Matters

"Frequency matters,” says National Sales Manager Joe Cariffe. “It's what you say, times how many times you say it!" 

Frequency in radio advertising is the number of times the average person hears that ad over the course of a week. Ideally, you want to achieve at least a 2-3x frequency per week to achieve the best possible results. Too many impressions and the listener will grow frustrated with your brand. Too few, and you might not get enough recognition.

7. Leverage the Power of Influencers

Influencer marketing yields an average $6.50 return on investment for every marketing dollar spent. Listeners trust influencers and their authentic, meaningful tone. When those influencers recommend your brand, those listeners, in turn, trust what you have to offer. 

"Use local talent to endorse your product, whether audio or visual, because of the trust that their fans have in them. We've found that when the client and the local talent do the spot together as an interview, it can be even more effective," recommends Elroy Smith, Program Director of KBLX. 

Do you want more help creating engaging radio ads that connect with your listeners? Consider working with a media partner to learn more secrets to radio advertising success that can make your next campaign stand out from the crowd.

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Steve DiNardo
Steve DiNardo
With over two decades of experience in Bay Area marketing & media, Steve DiNardo has helped hundreds of local clients solve their marketing problems. His experience in multi-platform marketing includes the creation of iconic experiential, digital and traditional media properties.

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