Bay Area Advertising & Marketing Blog

3 Marketing Secrets for Personal Injury Firms

Written by Steve DiNardo | April 13, 2022

Wondering how your personal injury firm can stand out in a saturated market? The solution is to boost your marketing efforts with data-driven digital marketing. Digital advertising has been known to increase brand lift by at least 31% and ROI — by how much depends on the initiative. For instance, email generates an average ROI of $36 for every $1, social media marketing generates on average 95% (with more than a quarter reporting 150% or more), and pay-per-click (PPC) generates 200%.

Likewise, data-driven marketing also impacts your bottom line. Studies have shown that businesses that follow a data-driven approach to their marketing have 5 to 8 times better ROIs than those that do not.

To help you achieve your marketing goals, here are our top marketing secrets for your personal injury firm – plus a couple of common traps you will want to avoid.   

The 2 Most Common Marketing Mistakes That Personal Injury Attorneys Make   

First, let’s examine the mistakes that plague the Personal Injury market so you don't make the same ones. After all, Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." 

As an added bonus, it will also accelerate your success and inform important marketing decisions.  

1. Branding with only TV or billboard 

Personal Injury lawyers often seek out billboard advertising or traditional TV to reach new clients (just look around any city, and you'll see). But they may miss out on a significant fraction of potential clients on other channels. 

In fact, traditional marketing generates only 50% of the interactions that digital advertising can. This doesn't mean that TV and billboards are obsolete, but it does mean that it would be a huge mistake to only advertise on TV or billboards.  

2. Not having an integrated marketing approach 

Integrating your channels will allow you to utilize multiple tactics to achieve your campaign goals. This is essential since research shows that most (70%) of today's consumers are active on three or more channels, making integrated campaigns three times more effective. 

According to one study, a campaign that combined TV and digital advertising saw substantially better results than the channels by themselves. Measuring ad effectiveness, the researchers noticed that when consumers were exposed to ads on both TV and digital, they spent three times more time with the ad and had a two-time better brand recall.  

3 Digital Marketing Secrets for Success  

Now that you know what mistakes to avoid in your marketing, let's explore ways your personal injury firm can maximize your potential for success in digital marketing.  

1. Combine traditional and digital marketing for the best results

Too many lawyers — not even just personal injury lawyers — choose one or the other to promote their firms. The secret to success is to utilize both! We've already discussed what TV and digital could do for your business, but have you considered radio and digital as a solution? Well, you should! When you integrate digital and radio, you can increase revenue by 23%, which is about 6% more than radio ads alone and nearly 9% more than digital ads alone. 

Customers expect cohesive and consistent experiences on all channels. Businesses that do this good experience a 33% boost in ROI and appeal to the 87% of consumers that believe you should work harder to deliver consistent experiences throughout all channels. 

2. Collect and analyze data  

The power of digital advertising is in the ability to track, measure, and analyze consumer data. This gives you the unique opportunity to better understand your audience, their needs, and the best ways for you to reach and resonate with them. The more you know about your consumers, the better your advantage will be over other personal injury lawyers who are struggling to connect with the right people. 

3. Target the right demographics

It may seem obvious to be told to target the right demographics, but it's more often than not that personal injury lawyers aren't. This means that no matter how great your message is and how optimized your ads are, it won’t be effective if it isn't reaching the right people. For radio, in particular, Bay Area market leaders for radio listeners who have used a personal injury lawyer in the past 12 months are KOIT, KMVQ, and KBLX.   

Partner With a Media Company That Can Optimize Your Marketing 

Any advertising is better than no advertising. However, exceptional advertising is required in the Personal Injury market. The only way to stand out is to reach your audience on all their favorite platforms, at every touchpoint, using best practices specific to each. It's no easy task, which is why a partnership with marketing experts can make all the difference. Just make sure you ask the right questions when considering all your options!