Bay Area Advertising & Marketing Blog

Weekly Roundup: Reaching GenZ with Radio

Written by Steve DiNardo | September 10, 2021

It may surprise you that GenZ listens to AM/FM radio given their prevalent use of smartphones and streaming apps. However, reaching young people on the radio might be easier than you think. Not only are they listening to AM/FM radio, they’re planning to increase consumer spending to the tune of $44 billion in purchasing power. Read on to find out how you can use radio as a marketing tactic to reach GenZ.  

Podcast and Broadcast Radio – Listeners in Common – Radio Advertising Bureau 

 The growth in audio usage across all platforms and devices has been incredible. One segment of that growth has captured a lot of attention – podcasts. Podcast listeners have been considered a niche audience. Do they differ from broadcast listeners, and what are their views about broadcast radio? 


Whether it is podcast or broadcast, these two groups of listeners are not exclusive to each platform but in fact, have very similar views and perspectives. Seventy-two percent of adults 18+ who have listened to a podcast in the past month have listened to AM/FM radio. <<<Read More>>> 


Radio Connects Advertisers with Generation Z and Their Spending Habits – Inside Radio 

One-third of Gen Zers expect to increase their consumer spending once the pandemic wanes. Radio’s reach is so universal that large percentages of Gen Zers listen to radio daily. Many have spent and plan to spend on major consumer products and entertainment options, according to data from five representative 2021 consumer/market surveys. <<<Read More>>> 


5 Marketing Tactics for Financial Services Providers to Win Over New Consumers In the Market – Bonneville Bay Area 

We've heard a lot about millennials over the past few years. Now, we’re witnessing the next generation coming of age. The first Gen Zers are graduating from college and beginning their financial journeys. Growing up in an era dominated by technology and social media, Gen Z is informed, and most understand that their future success must include being financially savvy.  

Gen Z is coming into the market with $44 billion in purchasing power. They expect relatability from financial services providers, as they do with other advertised products and services. This generation wants to know the advice they get is relevant to their lifestyle and future goals. There is a huge opportunity for banks, credit unions, tax preparers, investment managers, and others to harness the significant buying power of this group by employing a captivating mix of marketing tactics. <<<Read More>>> 

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We cover the latest marketing tips, best practices, and insights that you can apply to your Bay Area business. Check out some of our recent posts: 

4 Tactics for Utilizing Radio Effectively 
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