Bay Area Advertising & Marketing Blog

Weekly Roundup: Radio’s Unparalleled Reach

Written by Steve DiNardo | June 17, 2022

With so much focus on digital marketing, it’s easy to forget how powerful traditional media is. Don’t worry, we’re here to remind you! More than 200 million Americans aged 18 and older listen to the radio at least once a week, equaling a reach of 91 percent of the adult population. That’s huge! So, how can radio help you reach your target customer? Read on to find out! 

Radio Reaches a Broad Range of Consumers by Their Educational Attainment. - Inside Radio 

Decades of research from the US Census Bureau, Pew Research Center and other highly-respected sources continue to show adults with less education have lower household incomes and those with more education have higher household incomes. 

Determining how to engage with this broad range of educated adults and attract their consumer dollars can be difficult. Radio, however, as the premier reach medium is where most advertisers can deliver messages targeted to adult consumers based on their educational attainment. >> READ MORE  

What Do Values-driven Consumers Care About? 

Values are important, but just one of many drivers. Consumer behavior is also influenced by factors such as price, convenience, and availability of products. Older consumers are more likely to prioritize price. However, younger consumers are only slightly more likely than their older cohorts to emphasize a brand’s values when making purchase decisions. 

Purpose is more likely to be a tiebreaker. For example, if you’ve got a cause partnership on your box and your competitor doesn’t, and you taste pretty much the same and your price is the same, it might break the tie. >> READ MORE 

Stats that Show Radio is as Relevant as Ever – Bonneville Bay Area  

Contrary to what some media pundits may think, radio as a medium continues to thrive. In fact, people are consuming more terrestrial and digital radio than ever before. This rising consumption enriches the marketing opportunity that radio provides companies, as radio remains one of the most cost-effective ways to generate reach and frequency. Consider:  

  • Eighty percent of consumers reported they listened to as much or more radio in 2020 as the year before, largely driven by a rise of in-home smart speaker usage.  
  • Forty-six percent of consumers note that radio helps them know where to shop locally.  
  • Radio is most often consumed away from home, which often results in listeners hearing an ad before a potential purchase opportunity.  
  • Real-time radio is the most consumed source among young listeners.   

Radio, both traditional and digital, provides small and midsize businesses with opportunities to grow and expand by reaching more consumers, building brand awareness, and driving people to purchase. >> READ MORE 

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